Axiom [ak-see-uh
m] –noun

- A self-evident truth that requires no proof.
- A universally accepted principle or rule.
- A proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake ofstudying the consequences that followfrom it.
One must view these axioms like a step-by-step process - much like constructing a skyscraper. To build any sort of building you need a good foundation. A building built with a shallow foundation is limited in the height it can reach. To build a skyscraper you have to dig down deep first - All the way down until you hit bedrock. It is a strong foundation that allows a skyscraper to tower into the heavens. You always have to go down before you can truly rise up. You always have to make an inward change before an outward change becomes visible.
- Axiom 1: Tabula Rasa - Approach opinions as a "blank slate" and use firsthand experiences to prove or disprove them. Challenge your beliefs with opposing ones.
- Axiom 2: Mauvaise Foi - Stop limiting your free will by acting in "bad faith". Eliminate unconscious self-deception.
- Axiom 3: The Glass is Half Full - Positive energy attracts positive energy. Negative energy attracts negative energy. Eliminate negative thoughts and take time each day to visualize your goals and remain positive.
- Axiom 4: Happiness is a Journey, not a Destination
- Axiom 5: Checkmate! - Use the same strategy in life that you would use in a game of chess. Weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each move, and plan multiple moves ahead.
- Axiom 6: Life is a Race - How Do You Run It?
- Axiom 7: Life is a Casino - How Do You Play Your Chips? - Know when to take a risk and when to play it safe. Hone your risk assessment skills.
- Axiom 8: Ask and You Shall Receive - Keep asking yourself questions, even when the answers are not obvious. You must be patient and persistent in the pursuit of great knowledge.
- Axiom 9: A Good Reputation is Better Than Money in the Bank - Your reputation can be your greatest asset or your biggest obstacle. Work on your confidence, character, and experience to cultivate a powerful reputation.
- Axiom 10: Kaizen - Always push yourself to make continual improvement.
- Axiom 11: 10,000 Hours to the Job of Your Dreams - Building an empire takes time and practice. People that are great at what they do have put in their time and worked through every possible problem that can arise.
- Axiom 12: You Can Take on Any Company and Win - There is no such thing as an infinite growth industry. When companies get more focused on their product than finding the best way to fulfill the customer's need failure is immanent.
- Axiom 13: Jack of All Trades, Master of None - Constantly pursue new hobbies and continue to learn about new things. The more you learn the more your world will open up to you and the more people you will connect with. An unquenchable thirst of knowledge is a true sign of greatness.
- Axiom 14: A Guide to Higher Education - College is right for some people and wrong for others. The old views of college no longer hold true, and success is not intrinsically attached to all college degrees.
- Axiom 15: The Harvard Advantage - Smart people learn from their mistakes. Geniuses learn from the mistakes of others.
- Axiom 16: Talk to the Lion - Do thorough research and know your target. Research is key because your senses alone can often mislead you to a false target or goal.
- Axiom 17: Pay Attention to Detail - The tiniest details are sometimes most telling. Have a keen eye and pay attention to the details of other people, and pay attention to what your own tiny details are telling others.
- Axiom 18: Birds of a Feather... - Associate yourself with people you aspire to be like. Weed out negative relationships and seek out positive ones. You will become the company you keep.
- Axiom 19: The Power of Travel (Part 1) - If you travel with an open mind you will learn more than you could ever imagine. Travel is one of the most powerful actions you can take, especially if you feel stuck and aren't sure what to do next in life.
- Axiom 19: The Power of Travel (Part 2) - Here's how LA, NYC, Las Vegas, London, Paris, and San Francisco changed my life.
- Axiom 20: A Gentleman's Agreement - Write down your goals and share them with friends. Use friendly competition to help you achieve your dreams.
- Axiom 21: Confidence is King - No matter what you're doing in life make sure you're doing it with confidence. It makes poor people rich, short people tall, ugly people attractive, and dumb people smart.
- Axiom 22: Clothes Make the Man - Always dress better than expected. Dressing well helps you exude self-confidence without saying a word.
- Axiom 23: The Inner Hole We All Face - Use the natural feeling of incompleteness that you have to propel you to success by filling your time with positive hobbies.
- Axiom 24: A Simple Guide to Time-Management - Maximizing free time in a way that motivates you and holds you accountable allows you to pursue your goals and find success.
- Axiom 25: Hard Work is Underrated - Dedication, focus, and hard work can lead you to success. Don't focus on being lucky, with hard work luck will follow.
- Axiom 26: A Modern Revision to Franklin's 13 Virtues - Improvement takes time and concentrated effort, much like weight training or weeding a garden.
- Axiom 27: A Guide to Sane Finances in an Insane World - Learn to control your finances. Otherwise no matter how much money you make in life you will always be broke.
- Axiom 28: Inherent Value - Everything has inherent value. Achieve success by learning to raise the value of yourself through scarcity.
- Axiom 29: Sell Yourself First - Focus on selling yourself first. The messenger is often more important than the message itself.
- Axiom 30: Approach Life as an Immigrant - Often when you're not afraid to work hard, take a chance, and risk material wealth you'll find success. Adopt the mindset of an immigrant.
- Axiom 31: The Tipping Point - Ride the wave of enthusiasm at the beginning of a project towards the point of no return as quickly as possible to achieve your goals before they die.
- Axiom 32: Everything is Cyclical - Products and industries all have a life cycle. Anticipate the next step in the cycle to avoid disaster and to become successful.
- Axiom 33: Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life - A person's handwritting is a window into their soul. If you know what traits to look for you can see a person's true personality or even change your own handwritting to rewire your brain to be more successful.
- Axiom 34: Dare to be Great - Don't be afraid to take big chances in life to cut straight through the clutter and get noticed.
- Axiom 35: First & Best - Find something you can be first at, and find something you can be #1 at. People remember firsts and onlys. Find your USP (Unique Selling Point) and use it to your advantage. If you can't be #1 in something then create a new category that you can be #1 in.
- Axiom 36: The Problem of You - You are the cause of most of your problems in life, not other people. Take responsibility for your problems and your luck will improve.
- Axiom 37: What is Your Legacy? - What is the ultimate goal of your life? How do you want to be remembered? Without knowing the answers to these questions you will drift through life and others will shape your destiny.
- Axiom 38: How Do You Define Success? - Make sure you know what true success means. Use your resources wisely and make good decisions.
- Axiom 39: Success in Sales - The cornerstones of success in sales can be learned. Selling is not just pure luck, it can be very methodical scientific at times.
- Axiom 40: Color Psychology - Colors speak louder than words. Know your colors and what they mean.
- Axiom 41: Reciprocity - The more you give freely the more you receive.
- Axiom 42: You Are What You Wear - Your appearance affects the way to act and the way the world treats you. Dress the way you want to be treated.
- Axiom 43: Serendipity Through Meditation - You must learn to clear your mind and relax. Some solutions will only come to you through the peace and solitude of meditation.
- Axiom 44: Networking - Successful people build big networks. They give generously to their networks and they reap huge rewards in return.
- Axiom 45: Starting Over - Starting over allows continued growth and happiness.
- Axiom 46: Keeping Appearances - The Good & Bad - Change your appearance to match what true success for you would look like. Don't get caught up in the materialism of keeping up with other people.
- Axiom 47: Work in Reverse - Working in reverse can help you gain insight into a problem, have an epiphany you would not have otherwise had, or help you keep sight of your goals.
- Axiom 48: Turning Little Things into Big Things - You can accomplish your big goals in life with just 10 minutes a day invested.
- Axiom 49: All in the Family - For better or worse your family can affect your successes in life.
- Axiom 50: The Road Less Traveled - Following the crowd can make for a hard journey. Don't be afraid to blaze your own trail.
- Axiom 51: Eye Contact - Use eye contact to build rapport with people.
- Axiom 52: Your IQ is Your Destiny - Your IQ and your potential successes in life are deeply connected.
- Axiom 53: Success in Numbers - The laws of numbers will determine your successes.
- Axiom 54: Know Your Customer - All customers are not created equal. Know your customer or you will have more heartache than success.
- Axiom 55: The Survivor Guide to Success - You must learn to 'Outwit', 'Outplay', and 'Outlast' all others to be successful.
- Axiom 56: Social Inequality - Don't focus on obstacles, focus on opportunities. America is full of them.
- Axiom 57: 'No' Doesn't Always Mean 'No' - Hearing a 'no' should motivate you instead of deter you.
- Axiom 58: You're Only as Successful as Your Significant Other - Be careful who you choose to become romantic with. It will change your future - for better or worse.
- Axiom 59: Advice for My 18 Year Old Self - Your strategy as a young person will set the course for your successes later in life.
- Axiom 60: Knowledge is Power - Be consistent and ambitious in your pursuit of knowledge so that you make the most out of all opportunities.
- Axiom 61: Death of a Salesmen - Don't get sales confused with charity. Sell people a product that they want.
- Axiom 62: Failure is the Easiest Option - Embrace failure and learn from your mistakes.
- Axiom 63: Success is the Sum of Your Decisions - Pain & bad decisions go together. Joy & good decisions go together.
- Axiom 64: Know When to Cut Your Loses - Is the probable outcome worth continuing on with the amount of effort involved?
- Axiom 65: You'll Never Graduate - You will always be a student in life. You will never stop learning.
- Axiom 66: True Victory is Victory Over Oneself - Once you master enough individual skills you must put them all together to execute with an unbeatable synergy.
- Axiom 67: Get Out of Your Damn Comfort Zone - You can never achieve greatness without a little discomfort in the process.
- Axiom 68: The Halo Effect - Be as attractive as possible.
- Axiom 69: E=mc2 - Look for the simple solution.
- Axiom 70: You're Going to Miss Me When I'm Gone - Use the law of scarcity to increase your value.
- Axiom 71: The Need for Speed - Act as swiftly and efficiently as possible in handling work tasks. It gives off a vibe of confidence and success.
- Axiom 72: Silent but Deadly - Remain unseen and unknown to your competitors.
- Axiom 73: Don't Burn Bridges - Don't burn bridges. You'll probably need them again someday.
- Axiom 74: Don't Play the Gossip Game - Focus on yourself, not what others are doing.
- Axiom 75: Arrogance Kills Success - Don't let your own arrogance blind you.
- Axiom 76: Everyone is at a Disadvantage - Everyone has certain disadvantages. Successful people just don't let those disadvantages get in their way.
- Axiom 77: Always go the Extra Mile - Your extra efforts could determine your success or failure. When you go the extra mile people take note.
- Axiom 78: You're More of a Lemming than You Think - You're not as unique as you may think you are.
- Axiom 79: Make Your Free Time Count - Spend your free time wisely. Otherwise you'll have little to show in life.
- Axiom 80: Explore Boundaries - Explore the world you live in. Don't get stale and complacent.
- Axiom 81: Learn to Work for Others First - Master how to be a good follower before trying to be a good leader.
- Axiom 82: Being the Boss is Harder than You Think - Once you learn to be a good follower you must then learn how to be a good leader.
- Axiom 83: Rise Above Corruption - Corruption exists everywhere. Don't fall for the temptation of playing the corruption game.
- Axiom 84: When Everything is an Emergency Nothing is an Emergency - Always put what is important first.
- Axiom 85: Everyone Measures Success Differently - Make sure your definition of success lines up with the ones that matter.
- Axiom 86: Don't Take Big Commitments Lightly - Think before you act.
- Axiom 87: Don't Strive for Perfection - Sometimes perfection isn't a good thing.
- Axiom 88: Catalog Your Life - Keep a record of your successes and failures.
- Axiom 89: Your EQ is Your Destiny - Your emotional intelligence is sometimes far more critical to your success than your IQ.
- Axiom 90: Problem Solving is the Best Skill - Success means problem solving better than the competition.
- Axiom 91: Learn to be Analog & Digital - There are many ways to do something. Embrace all generations.
- Axiom 92: You Don't Have to Play by the Rules - Successful people don't play by other peoples' rules.
- Axiom 93: Don't Forget Your Roots - Don't forget where you came from or the foundation of what you set out to accomplish.
- Axiom 94: Always Do Your Best - You never know who is watching.
- Axiom 95: Methods & Results - Not everyone took the same path to get where they are today.
- Axiom 96: The Path of Success - Observation, Education, and Mastery are the key to success.
- Axiom 97: The Biggest Potential Mistake People Make - Things are not always how they appear.
- Axiom 98: Stop Watering Dead Plants - Stop focusing on the things that will never pay off.
- Axiom 99: Listen More, Talk Less - You cannot learn while you are talking. Listen closely and talk less. Even if you have a lot to say.
- Axiom 100: Symbolism & Rituals - 100 is just a number. Our journey does not have to end here...