"Don't burn bridges. You'll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river."
At some point someone will do you wrong. The urge to burn a bridge will enter your mind. Should you or shouldn't you? That is the question....
You must never let your emotions get the best of you. Burning a bridge will almost always do more harm than good. It might make you feel better momentarily to express your true feelings but in the long run you will probably regret it.
For one, you might need to cross that bridge again. This is a small world and you'd be surprised how you may need the same people again for some reason.
Secondly, by burning a bridge you are really admitting "losing" not "winning". You are admitting defeat in a very classless and crude way. The best way to exact revenge is by going out and proving things wrong by your own success.
Thirdly, the people at the receiving end of your bridge burning rant could really give a shit less about you. You think you're poetically putting people in their place and showing them the error of their ways. In reality they could probably care less and are just happy now you are gone.
Use that fuel that you would burn a bridge as motivation for success. Instead of burning that bridge, write down those negative thoughts on paper. Hold onto them for a few days a then revisit them. You will then probably realized how immature and useless burning a bridge can be.
You must never let your emotions get the best of you. Burning a bridge will almost always do more harm than good. It might make you feel better momentarily to express your true feelings but in the long run you will probably regret it.
For one, you might need to cross that bridge again. This is a small world and you'd be surprised how you may need the same people again for some reason.
Secondly, by burning a bridge you are really admitting "losing" not "winning". You are admitting defeat in a very classless and crude way. The best way to exact revenge is by going out and proving things wrong by your own success.
Thirdly, the people at the receiving end of your bridge burning rant could really give a shit less about you. You think you're poetically putting people in their place and showing them the error of their ways. In reality they could probably care less and are just happy now you are gone.
Use that fuel that you would burn a bridge as motivation for success. Instead of burning that bridge, write down those negative thoughts on paper. Hold onto them for a few days a then revisit them. You will then probably realized how immature and useless burning a bridge can be.