"In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us." -Flora Edwards
"It is better to give than receive." -Unkown
I was channel surfing late one night and came across one of those Christian shows asking for donations. The preacher was talking about the Biblical teachings of reciprocity. Reciprocity means whatever you give to God he blesses you back tenfold.
I didn't connect the concept of reciprocity and business until I read The Education of Millionaires. The book talks about giving unto others without requesting anything in return. Sometimes this can backfire if you give to a person who is a taker by heart. Surprisingly enough though, this seems to be the minority of people. Most people are so taken aback when you give to them without asking for anything in return that you often get paid back exponentially in the long run by establishing a strong personal connection.
This Axiom will be a short one. Make it a point to share with others without asking for anything in return. Share knowledge, time, resources, connections, and you will find that in time the same will be shared with you.