"A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth." -Maurice Chevalier
"Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true." -Unknown
I graduated high school so long ago in 1998. While it seems like just yesterday the reality is the years have quickly flown by. I often wonder what I would tell myself and my graduating high school class if I could go back and speak at my graduation.
While all of my previous axioms to date could possibly be molded into good advice for young people there are a few things I haven't covered yet that are of particular value to young adults just starting out in the world:
- Write Down Your Goals. Write down your goals and read them everyday. This will help you from wondering aimlessly through life without a purpose.
- Time Flies. Don't put off your goals, not even for a day. Even if you just spend a few minutes each day working towards a goal you're moving in the right direction. Don't wake up at age 40 with regrets of wasted time.
- Don't Burn Bridges. No matter how bad things are take the high road. Burning bridges will always come back to haunt you.
- Know Your Strengths. Before you drift to far in life without a purpose consider taking a personality test (DISC) or a career aptitude test (AIMS).
- Keep an Open Mind. Be open to learning new skills. Be open to hearing all sides of an argument.
- Travel. Traveling while you are young expands your mind and helps you grow as a person.
- Listen Closely to Those Who are Successful. Take note of the people that are doing things right and emulate them.
- Learn Financial Responsibility. Learn to manage your money or you will be broke no matter how much money you make later in life.
- You Learn More When Things are Hard. Life is hard sometimes. Think of the hard times as learning opportunities rather than set backs.
- Success is a Long Road. You won't become a CEO or manager overnight. It takes years to learn a trade a become successful. Practice patience in your journey.