Friday, July 5, 2013
Brew Your Own Beer
For most guys brewing beer at least once in their life is on their bucket list. After successfully completing my first couple batches of home brewed beer with the help of my brother-in-law I am here with a few tips and tricks for anyone that is thinking about giving it a try.
Tip #1 - Buy a Brew Book: Buy and at least skim through a good book on what it takes to brew your own beer. There is a great one called How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time
Tip #2 - Buy the Right Equipment: Brewing beer takes a little bit of upfront investment in good quality equipment. Don't cut corners on equipment to save money. If you're brewing your own beer just to save money from buying store bought beer keep in mind that it will take a while to make back your investment money. After you pay off the equipment you'll be able to brew good quality beer for around $.62 per 12oz, or cheaper, in ingredients. It helps if you can also find a good local home brew store to go to.
Tip #3 - Set Aside the Time to Do it Right - It takes about four hours to do the initial batch, and then two weeks later it will take another 4-6 hours to clean and bottle. The whole process takes about four weeks.
Tip #4 - Clean Everything Thoroughly - The main thing that can spoil a batch of beer is by not cleaning everything properly. Make sure that sanitation is your number one priority.
Tip #5 - Use Good Water - Good tasting water helps make good tasting beer.
Tip #6 - Take it Easy - Start off easy with a kit that has all the ingredients prepackaged along with a recipe. Once you get the hang of everything then you can try something a little harder.
Food and Drink